"Ok maybe I should say make-out scene, not full on sex scene...it's like the second or third scene in the movie. Jake wakes up, shirtless and sweaty, goes to find his hot woman (I honestly don't remember if she even had a name? Regardless, she's Moroccan and really hot) who has just gotten out of the shower, and is wearing just a towel. They exchange some sort of pleasantries, then he pulls her against him, up against the bathroom door. They start kissing, and he runs his hand up under her towel just under her ass, lifting her thigh up and just barely around him, and they make out." Source: community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidntSource URL: https://americanendeavor.blogspot.com/2007/07/ Visit american endeavor for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
Amanda Bynes appearead on the view to talk about her new movie Hairspray, which starts John Travolta. The cute star of the TV show "What I Like About You" is also set to star in upcoming movie Sydney White which comes out early next year. Amanda is yet another girl with a fashion line, this one is called Dear. Here are some cute, and sexy pics of Amanda.
Not the best Lindsay Lohan's look, that's for sure, do you remember her such a happy teenager in "Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen"? See below with more phoning pictures:Source URL: https://americanendeavor.blogspot.com/2007/07/ Visit american endeavor for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection