"Damnit! Where were all the beautiful girls who liked weird guys in my high school? Next Donnie screws his courage to the sticking place and asks Gretchen to be his girlfriend in a scene of perfect awkward realism, and she accepts". Source: www.locusmag.com
"New Moon" star Robert Pattinson is claiming that his charming character in Twilight is not what his million of fans have made him out to be.
The Vampire stud told British Ok! that he doesn't understand why girls always love the bad guy.
He said, "It’s weird, but girls always seem like that. Being a guy, you always just look at girls and think, ‘why are you with that guy?’
He added, "With virtually anyone, the nice guys always seem to finish last. You always get weirdos like Edward who seem to attract women for some reason. If Edward wasn't a fictional character and you met him in reality, he is like one of those
guys who would probably be an axe murderer or something."
He also confessed that he doesn't hate being in the spotlight as much as people are putting on. "I had no idea people could get so obsessed. But it’s not scary - it’s amazing", he says". "Take, for instance, “(500) Days of Summer.” It may be one of the more conventional films he’s taken on — although it’s shrewd of Gordon-Levitt to play a romantic lead as a change-up from his usual character-actor roles — but it’s a bold choice, nonetheless.
After all, as the film’s narrator informs us (and as the title implies), this may be a boy-meets-girl story but it’s not a love story. And in the same way that most action stars refuse to die on screen, there’s no doubt any number of rom-com heroes who won’t take a script in which they don’t get the girl at the end". Source: www.msnbc.msn.com
"When the beautiful and exotic Danielle (Elisha Cuthbert of Fox’s “24”) moves in next door, it becomes readily apparent all of the young man’s questions will be more than answered. Where he’s shy, she’s outgoing; where Mat is insecure, Danielle seams to brim over with confidence. Together, she’ll help him discover there is more to life than can be found in books.
Heck, maybe they’ll even find love.
His is a performance of real depth, of endearing maturity, and like contemporaries Jake Gyllenhaal (“Donnie Darko”) and Tobey Maguire (“Seabiscuit”, “Spider-Man”), Hirsch is an every-day looking kid with an acting ability beyond his years". Source: www.moviefreak.com
Hollywood Killed the Macho Star
"Americans are falling for a dynamic new class of leading man: The star's insecure hero dueled a fearsome, unknowable nemesis with the help of loyal sidekicks, struggled through the treachery of romantic love and found his way, with all due Hollywood heroism, by the time the credits rolled.
They've followed many of their heroes all the way from TV, where even Arrested Development star Michael Cera's brand of youthful, ironic (and admittedly cancelled) cool made the same indelible impression on his cohort as Clint Eastwood's volatile, Cold War-era Rowdy Yates made fifty years ago among Rawhide viewers.
Had Emile Hirsch's characters not died at the end of Into the Wild or had a finish-line kiss interrupted by an adolescent brat in Speed Racer -or had either of those not disappointed at the box office, maybe he'd have been the one working his way over Deschanel in "(500) Days". Source: www.esquire.comSource URL: https://americanendeavor.blogspot.com/2009/07/Visit american endeavor for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection