The casting is solid as a rock, featuring Matt Craven, who plays Kale's father Daniel Bretch in a brief but warming initial scene, with echoes of a Spielberg-type father-son dyanamic. The sensitive protagonist Kale Bretch (Shia LaBeouf) is confined to move in a limited 100-foot circle around his home wearing an electronic monitoring device attached to his ankle after having an altercation with his Spanish teacher, whom Kale punched in the face.
"He's like a modem. He gets a constant signal from Mr. Bracelet that he sends through your phone line to the monitoring station downtown. So they know where you are, where you've been and what you're thinkin' 25/7," Detective Parker (Viola Davis) tells us.
Kale is deprived of his Internet connection and is frequently told off by his strict mom Julie (Carrie-Anne Moss), so the boy finds a new hobby, spying on the people around him by using huge binoculars and high-tech wireless equipment that includes a camcorder he's checking constantly behind his mother's back. When Kale spies a newcomer to the neighbourhood he thinks it's the ideal option to relieve the stress of his boredom.
This newcomer, Ashley Carlson (Sarah Roemer) is a gorgeous, blonde, long-legged girl who also has a controlling dysfunctional family, Kale soon notices, including a mother whose irritating tone is even worse than that of his own mother. Ronnie (Aaron Yoo) is the zany bro in this triangle of detached youngsters enslaved by their cell phones, portable monitors, tripods, walkie talkies, iPods, and the loud pop soundtracks beloved by the Generation Y.

Kale's hyperactive imagination as a result of being under arrest leads him to focus excessively on the lives of his closest neighbours, very particularly on the mysterious and apparently laid back Mr. Robert Turner (David Morse), watching his garage doors, and his black Mustang convertible. Every time Mr. Turner's garage opens up Kale's heart accelerates, as if he received negative energy from Turner shattering the peaceful scenario of suburbia.
Kale begins to spy on Ashley in a voyeuristic way that could annoy some female viewers, because by doing this, he is turning Ashley from a fleshed-out woman into a shallow sexual object who becomes more and more idealized in his view. The hormones raging in Kale makes this behavior somehow tolerable whenever Ashley appears, especially when she is dressed provocatively in a bikini.

Hence, Disturbia isn't only a tale of the latent phsychopathia who lies beyond the white fences and green lawns, but also of the spectator who willingly participates in this process, confusing normalcy with deviancy, a perpetual vigilance that will ultimately carry us away from the safety we thought we had, trapped in our cozy environments.
The film builds to a thrilling conclusion after a long, suspenseful journey, one of the film's messages being that there's no reason to shrug carelessly and look the other way.
"Also, you look out the window all the time, like I do, only you're looking at the world, you know. Trying to figure it out. Trying to understand the world. Trying to figure out why it's not in order, like your books. I'm only looking at you". -Kate to Ashley. Published on 6th October in Blogcritics.org
Source URL: https://americanendeavor.blogspot.com/2007/10/movie-review.html
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