Friday, May 29, 2009

Combing Jake Gyllenhaal & Robert Pattinson

    Jake Gyllenhaal and Robert Pattinson not only have reached the top Cosmopolitan hottest guys rankings, they both share impressive abdominals shooting their upcoming films and also lustrous hair that tickle their hand combing fancies.
    "Actor Robert Pattinson set pulses racing when he took his shirt on the set of the latest Twilight vampire film - but were those abs for real? The 23 years old showed off a rippling physique during filming in the Italian town of Montepulciano.

    But the pictures have raised questions as to whether his super defined washboard stomach is authentic -as one make-up artist put it: "A little shading goes a long way". It has long been a badly kept secret that a handful of Hollywood stars get their stomach muscles from the make-up room. 
    Jake Gyllenhaal in "The Prince of Persia" and the entire cast of "300" have all been accused of sporting doctored bods".
    from the article of, on 28th May 2009.
    Jake caressing/disheveling his hair.Reese Witherspoon stroking her hair.

    One of Robert Pattinson's trademarks is his hair hand-combing, check it out below:
    Also, Pattinson's co-star Kristen Stewart has this tendency to hand-combing her beautiful hair:Kristen Stewart and her boyfriend Michael Angarano.
    Source URL:
    Visit american endeavor for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

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