Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th July 2009!

    "Donnie Darko: The Director's Cut provides an intriguing interpretation of the sociopolitical milieu of modern America that is no less valid - and considerably less sermonizing - than the current news stories and documentaries that pervade our television and cinemas. In the wake of the Presidential election in the United States, its relevance comes to the forefront as a commentary of the state of the nation then and now, and chilling reminder of things to (potentially) come. As Richard Kelly commented:

    "And if we make it to the end of time, we may be rewarded with a fireworks display to end it all, once and for all".

    "The Macy's July 4th fireworks display originally made its debut on the Hudson River in 1958 before becoming an East River tradition in 1976.

    Macy's 4th of July Fireworks 2009

    The 2009 Macy's fireworks show will feature more than 40,000 shells exploding at a rate of more than 1,500 per minute (that's eight times more high-level fireworks than last year's show). At approximately 9:20 pm on July 4th, the 26-minute display will be set off from six barges positioned between 24th and 50th Streets on the Hudson River".

    Happy 4th July to all my American readers and lurkers from Jake Weird!!Source URL:
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