Monday, November 23, 2009

Anna Kendrick is Stacey Pilgrim

    Kristen Stewart, Anna Kendrick and Nikki Reed.
    Kristen Stewart and Anna Kendrick as Bella and her friend Jessica, in a scene from "New Moon" when they chat about zombie films after leaving the movie theatre.
    Robert Pattinson licking Anna Kendrick.

    Chuck the Movieguy interviews Anna Kendrick on an American Airlines flight for the movie Up in The Air. They talk about her role Jessica in Twilight and New Moon & Eclipse as well. Closed Captions coming soon.

    Tell us about Stacey Pilgrim?

    AK: She’s Scott’s sister. I got to meet the real Stacey Pilgrim which was amazing. I basically just sort of judge Scott for all his life choices and tell him how to live his life which is fun, but I care about him too.

    Does any cool action happen around you?

    AK: No! Ugh. No, there’s one scene. I’m at the theater where Scott fights Matthew Patel and that was really fun. I will tell you right now Michael Cera kicks so much ass in this movie. I mean, everybody does but the bigger shock is to see Michael doing kung fu.Who is this real Stacey Pilgrim?

    AK: Oh, it’s Bryan Lee O’Malley’s sister, Stacey. Her name is Stacey but not Stacey Pilgrim.

    Is she exactly like he wrote?

    AK: Well, she’s half-Asian so we’re not exactly the same but she seemed really, really sweet. I was like, “You get a bad rap in these books.” But she did say that she used to give Bryan a really hard time about whoever he was dating so that’s where that came from.
    Mary Elizabeth Winstead is Ramona Flowers, Scott Pilgrim's (Michael Cera) love interest.

    AK: You should start emotionally preparing yourself now. It’s so good, people are not going to know what hit them. I have a small role in so I’m allowed to gush. It’s so cool. I’ve never seen anything like it. There’s an energy and a style that I’ve just never seen before and I think it’s going to make the fastest movie you’ve seen look like a Merchant Ivory film. There, I said it.

    Q: Have you finished shooting 'Eclipse'?

    I filmed a majority of what I do and I have like two more days left. My parts, the human characters get shrunk down [in "Eclipse"].
    Q: Do you know if you'll be back for 'Breaking Dawn' if and when those movies happen?

    It does feel like to us -- when I say 'us' I assume people know I'm referring to the human characters -- it feels like it's probably coming to a close. We appear in a dream sequence or one sequence in the book of of 'Breaking Dawn' so I don't know if we'll be back for it and we're only signed up for three, because the three books were only out when we made the first film. So, I don't know that we will be involved in 'Breaking Dawn' but it's a really fun thing to go back to. Particularly when I go back for this short period of time it feels like I'm going back to summer camp and I'm seeing my friends from summer camp.
    Q: You've dealt with three different directors this year. Has that been refreshing? Have you enjoyed it?

    I am trying to pit them all against each other. I'm trying to get Jason and Chris Weitz in a fight, (Laughs.) No, it's so fun it's so interesting. I'm probably the luckiest girl on earth, let's be honest. It is really fun to work with everybody.

    Q: Can you compare them?

    Jason, the thing I have to say about him is he's so brilliant and intuitive it's annoying (Laughs.), because I like to think I'm not an easy read and I don't like somebody being able to tell my every mood, but he does it with everybody so I feel a little bit better about it. Chris Weitz, never saw him sweat, always made everybody feel as though they were free to be happy and just chill out on set even though I'm sure it was a really stressful set because there was a lot to do. Edgar Wright more energetic than anybody on set even though he probably gets two hours of sleep a night which is incredibly valuable on a set like that where you are shooting essentially an action film but you're shooting it in these tiny little pieces and energy is hard to come by.
    Q: I read the 'Scott Pilgrim' books, have they expanded your character of Stacy at all?
    Michael Cera and Portia Doubleday at 2009 TORONTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Press Conference.

    Basically my part is yelling at Michael Cera on the phone (Laughs.), but I got to meet the real quote on quote Stacy Pilgrim, Bryan Lee O'Malley's sister Stacy and she said, y'know, she used to call him up whenever she thought he was doing something wrong and yell at him about his life. So, that was just a blast".
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