Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Brothers" Interview & Clips videos

    Was Jake interested in playing the role that Tobey Maguire played in “Brothers”? Plus, what was his and Tobey’s relationship like on set. And, what does he think about being called one of the “greatest actors of our time”?

    Tobey Maguire talks about what he did to prepare to his role in the post-war movie “Brothers”, including spending time with men who had come back from war. Plus, he talks about how “intense” it was for him to take weight off for this role.

    Natalie Portman talks about working with Jake Gyllenhaal and Tobey Maguire on “Brothers” and how knowing them beforehand made such a difference in their working relationship. Plus, what did she think of Tobey’s weight loss for his role?

    Watch another Interview to Natalie Portman in filmsnmovies.com

    Jake Gyllenhaal talks about his role in "Brothers", on 23rd November 2009, Extra Interview clips uploaded by Stephanie in

    "Brothers" Behind the scenes B-roll 2 with Jim Sheridan and cast.

    nterview with Tony Fanning, the production designer of Brothers. 1. On the challenges. 2. On director Jim Sheridan. 3. On the challenges he has to face daily
    Source URL: http://americanendeavor.blogspot.com/2009/11/interview-clips-videos.html
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