Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Kristen Stewart's fav book, Better.tv interview

    Interview with Kristen Stewart to Better.tv
    She allegedly is dating Robert Pattinson, but she makes a comment about as she's perceived as 'dating someone she's not'.

    Kristen Stewart tweeted: "You have all proven you are the most amazing fans in the world once again. I feel so lucky to be a part of the Twilight Saga and thank you for making us # 1"... "Yes, I twittered. Or twitted..tweeted? I dunno, but thank you sooo much anyway..! today from web Twilight Twitter

    Kristen Stewart was reading "Madame Pompadour" (New York Review Books Classics) by Nancy Mitford:

    "-What is your favorite book?
    -Kristen Stewart: "I actually have two. I just finished Cannery Row by John Steinbeck, which was really intense. The other is The Stranger by Albert Camus, that was heavy."
    Source: famouspick.blogspot.com

    "Steinbeck's epic California novels deconstruct the visionary and edenic West. Characters in "To a God Unknown", "The grapes of wrath", and "East of Eden" discover that they cannot impose mythic patterns on Western space -cannot, in short, cultivate orange groves in the Central Valley. His dreamers typically languish or perish. But as insistently as he dismantles the national mythos of Western expansion in his "big books", he contructs the West in little books".
    -"Cannery Row" introduction by Susan Shillinglaw.

    The Twilight Saga: New Moon The Score Alexandre Desplat Tracklist:

    1. New Moon
    2. Bella Dreams
    3. Romeo & Juliet
    4. Volturi Waltz
    5. Blood Sample
    6. Edward Leaves
    7. Werewolves
    8. I Need You
    9. Break Up
    10. Memories of Edward
    11. Wolves v. Vampire
    12. Victoria
    13. Almost a Kiss
    14. Adrenaline
    15. Dreamcatcher
    16. To Volterra
    17. Youre Alive
    18. The Volturi
    19. The Cullens
    20. Marry Me, Bella
    21. Full Moon

    Oscar Nominated composer Alexander Desplat: “Chris Weitz and New Moon provided me with a rich canvas to create the colors of desire, longing, heartbreak and eternal love.”

    Desplat is highly regarded and the winner of numerous awards including 2008's "Film Score of the Year" & "Best Original Score for a Drama Film" by the International Film Critics Association (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button), winner of the 2007 Golden Globe for "Best Original Score" (The Painted Veil), and two-time Academy Award Nominee (The Queen & The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) Source: www.amazon.com
    Source URL: http://americanendeavor.blogspot.com/2009/11/kristen-stewart-fav-book-bettertv.html
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