Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Brothers" review

    Natalie Portman called Jake "ugly" in People magazine (god, I want to move to Uglyland just now!): "Jake is the kind of guy who can do a spot-on impression of someone you work with that will make you giggle. He plays guitar and has a great voice. Kids and dogs love him. He loves his mom and sister and girlfriend. He’s perfect. Too bad he’s ugly".
    On what skills she'd put on a job resume: "As far as skills go . . . I don’t have that many skills. [Jake: "Oh come on!"] I’m serious. I really wish I could make something. I mean, you’re a really good cook, you know how to build things — you can make things with your hands. I can’t make anything . . . Well, I can make chitchat, but not much else. I mean, I’d basically have trouble with any job that doesn’t require me to wear silly clothes and talk in funny voices . . . And so I’m an actor." Source:
    Jake Gyllenhaal is Tommy Cahill in "Brothers".
    "Sheriden is best known for directing such award winning films as "My Left Foot" and "In America". Now, with this intense drama... he yet again proves that he is one of the greatest directors of our time. Although he hasn't been extremely busy in terms of releasing movies... he certainly makes up for lost time with this one. "Brothers" is without a doubt the most powerful film you will see this year. What makes it so powerful, you ask? The amazing performances by Maguire, Gyllenhaal, and Natalie Portman. It's full of intense, awkward, and heartbreaking scene's that are made extremely effective by the top-notch acting abilities of our main characters. We are also introduced to a brand new child actor, Baiylee Madison. If Abigail Breslin could get an Oscar nomination for her performance in "Little Miss Sunshine", then it would be a sin for Madison not to get one. She is an amazing child actor, and hopefully we will see more of her in the future.The story is made pretty clear in the trailer: a soldier goes to the middle east and supposedly gets killed. His wife becomes a widow, and the soldier's brother becomes close to her. Then, just as their lives seem to fall back into place, the wife finds out that her husband is still alive. He returns, but has a serious case of post-traumatic stress.While the performances are excellent throughout the entire film, there is a scene towards the end (that I'm positive will be talked about by everyone who sees the movie) where Toby's character (who plays the brother with post-traumatic stress) has a complete mental breakdown. Without giving anything away, I will say that it is EXTREMELY intense, and contains the best acting I've seen all year. It's unforgettable, and makes the movie worth the price of admission alone, even though it's hard to watch".

    Source: moviemasterheadquarters.blogspot.comSource URL:
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