Friday, November 20, 2009

Robert Pattinson talks on his Vanity Fair cover

    Robert Pattinson has a interview with Vanity Fair where they ask him what it feels like being chosen as the cover of Vanity Fair, December issue. Rob talks about seeing Brad Pitt laying in a white bed on one of his sister’s old magazines and is incredulous that he should also take such spot.

    "Unofficial reports say The Twilight Saga: New Moon has shattered The Dark Knight's $18.4M midnight debut for a 3-day weekend. Sources put the total at $23-24M. This would also surpass Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, whose 5-day weekend began with $22.2M on a Tuesday night. Summit has not yet released official numbers.
    The Twilight Saga: New Moon may be on its way to breaking the all-time midnight screening record set by The Dark Knight (for a 3-day weekend). That film grossed $18.4M from 3040 showings. It went on to take in $67.17M that opening day, dropped 29.1% from Friday to Saturday to bring in another $47.65M, and ended with $43.6M on Sunday for an opening weekend total of $158.4M. New Moon played 3514 midnight screenings last night, 474 more than The Dark Knight. This would certainly indicate that it's headed for a new midnight record as it only needs to break $18.4M to do so. It might also be on its way to an all-time opening day record, although the film plays at 4024 theaters this weekend vs. The Dark Knight's 4366 locations. Bella (Kristen Stewart) becomes a thrill seeker after her breakup with Edward Cullen in "New Moon".

    Reports from theaters all over the country indicate a mix of tweens and older women, with a decent amount of boys and older men. Males are the key to success for this film to overtake The Dark Knight. The all-time record for midnight showings is held by Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which took in $22.2M on a Tuesday night on its way to a 5-day weekend total of $158M". Source: www.pronetworks.orgSource URL:
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