Monday, December 14, 2009

500 Days of Summer on Blu-Ray

    Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Tom Hansen in "500 days of Summer" (2009).

    500 Days of Summer ON BLU-RAY AND DVD 18 JANUARY 2010
    "When Tom (Gordon-Levitt- 30 Rock) a hapless greeting card copywriter and hopeless romantic is blindsided after being dumped by girlfriend Summer (Deschanel-Yes Man, Failure to Launch), he shifts back and forth through various periods of their 500 days 'together' trying to understand what went wrong. With mates Paul (Matthew Gray Guble- The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou) and McKenzie (Geoffrey Arend- Garden State) on side to offer friendly advice and pick up the pieces, Tom's fragile emotional state is further damaged when Summer twists the knife again with a shock revelation!

    Traumatised, Tom goes into meltdown and ceases to care about anything other than Summer in an attempt to win her back. Immersing himself in a period of introspective self-examination, his reflections ultimately lead him to finally rediscover his true passions in life, but has he truly emerged a changed man?
    This is a story of boy meets girl. The boy, Tom Hansen of Margate, New Jersey, grew up believing that he'd never truly be happy until the day he met the one. This belief stemmed from early exposure to sad British pop music and a total mis-reading of the movie 'The Graduate'.Scan of Zooey Deschanel's "500 days of Summer" Interview for Film Ink, September 2009.

    The girl, Summer Finn of Shinnecock, Michigan, did not share this belief. Since the disintegration of her parent's marriage she'd only love two things. The first was her long dark hair. The second was how easily she could cut it off and not feel a thing. Tom meets Summer on January 8th. He knows almost immediately she is who he has been searching for. This is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know upfront, this is not a love story.

    Blu-ray Special Features:
    Main Feature + digital copy and the following special features
    Lost Days of Summer: deleted and Extended Scenes
    Love Testimonials
    'I Think We Should Stop Seeing Each Other'
    Family Dinner (Day 11)
    Paul Meets Summer
    Tom And Summer Argue
    Tom In The Movie Theatre (Day 286)
    The Worst Morning Ever
    Tom Sees Summer Everywhere Day (Day 306)
    Date With Alison (Day 345)
    Bank Dance Directed by Marc Webb
    Mean's Cinemash: Sid and Nancy/ (500) Days of Summer
    Music Video: SWEET DISPOSITION by Temper Trap
    Conversations with Zooey and Joseph
    Acting Vs Reality
    Creative Process
    Favourite Parts of L.A
    Los Angeles

    DVD Special Features:
    Main Feature + digital copy and the following special features:
    Lost Days of Summer: Deleted and Extended Scenes
    Love Testimonials
    'I Think We Should Stop Seeing Each Other'
    Famiy Dinner (Day 11)
    Paul Meets Summer
    Tom And Summer Argue
    Tom In The Movie Theatre (Day 286)
    The Worst Morning Ever
    Tom Sees Summer Everywhere (Day 306)
    Date With Allison (Day 345)

    "500 Days of Summer" Production Notes - Comments From Director Marc Webb:
    "We all know Summer because Summer isn’t just a girl. She’s an event. I met my first "Summer when I was 17. She got me to skip class so she could read me Catcher in the Rye at the Vilas Park Zoo back in Madison, Wisconsin. (How cool is that?) At the time, I believed that love was the magic pill that would connect my soul to the universe and provide unending, effortless bliss.

    I won’t go into the sordid details but suffice it to say pretty girls with rebel hearts are in high demand. Some people end up with their Summer. I did not. We broke up and I entered into this weird limbo – I couldn’t shake that feeling that something had gone horribly, painfully wrong with the universe.
    And a Further Comment From Co-Writer Scott Neustadter:
    On July 22nd 2001, a Sunday if I’m not mistaken (and I’m not), sometime between the hours of 7 and 9 (Eastern Standard Time), a monumental, cataclysmic, earth-shattering event took place at a restaurant called “Serendipity” in New York – I got dumped… hard. We’d only been dating a couple months and yet, as often happens in the wake of such things, I was flooded by some powerful emotions: hopelessness, crippling inadequacy, the world ending, that sort of thing. I stayed in a lot during those days – listening to the Smiths on a constant loop, watching old French films and lamenting my not being alive in an era that would appreciate me. In short, I was an asshole.
    An amazing thing happened next. Almost instantly upon my arrival, I met someone new. She was smart. She was pretty. She was perfect. Six months later, she dumped me. 500 DAYS OF SUMMER is the story of those relationships. Or, at least, how I remembered them afterwards. (Ok, fine – how I chose to remember them.) Weber and I always dreamed of writing a romantic comedy like our heroes Cameron Crowe and Woody Allen – one that was relatable and identifiable, where the comedy came from a real place rather than some squirrel attack in the woods. This is the result. An anatomy of a romance. Equal parts autobiography and fantasy. A pop song in movie form. 500 DAYS is a lot of things – funny (hopefully), sad (definitely), peculiar (for sure).

    The Beginnings of Summer: Penning a Postmodern Love Story
    “For all intents and purposes, Summer Finn – just another girl. Except she wasn’t.”
    -- The Narrator

    “The idea we had for the screenplay was sort of a romantic comedy meets MEMENTO. We wanted to follow a guy sifting through the memories of a relationship, moving backwards and forwards through time as he starts to see things he might not have seen while he was going through it,” explains Neustadter. “You watch him gaining perspective and learning something about himself and about love. Tom realizes he is someone who is in love with the idea of love and that’s why his story becomes a very hopeful one. He sees something about the nature of love. It’s not your conventional romantic comedy, but it is a very romantic story.” From the beginning Neustadter and Weber chafed against the perennially cutesy, sentimental and unexamined conventions of romantic comedies -- and searched for a truer way to tell Tom’s story of the romance that put his heart through a mix-master, only to leave him with an even stronger, if more mature, belief in love. “We threw away all the rules and looked at alternative structures,” explains Neustadter. “We followed every single idea no matter how crazy it seemed, from the way people are transported by a song to how they drown their sorrows in a movie. Anything that was in Tom’s mind and memory was fair game.” Source:
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