Monday, August 25, 2008

Nick & Norah's make-out

    17. NICK

    "I have never, ever felt such desire. She takes off the belt, lets it drop to the floor. Then she unbuttons the top button of my jeans—only the top button. And I reach over to her jeans and unbutton the top button—only the top button. And I ask it again—“Are you okay?” And this time she says yes. She says she’s more than okay. We kiss like it’s a form of clasping. It’s not like it was in the club, when it was like she was proving something. We have nothing to prove now, nothing except that we’re not afraid. That we’re not going to think too much, or stop too much, or go too much. Her hand traces down the zipper line and I say, “Slow.” Because this is not a rush. This is not something insignificant. This is real. This is happening. And this is ours".
    18. NORAH

    "When did my life get so good? Was it when I agreed with a kiss to be Nick’s five-minute girlfriend, or when I realized frigid was a choice rather than a truth? This ice room is so very cold. Nick is so very hot. His heat—my heat—our heat—almost makes me forget I am still wet from the downpour, seeking refuge in the darkened ice room of a fucking Marriott with the Pepsi sign lit up, and I am without a doubt really into Nick because I am a Coke drinker, I mean I can take the Pepsi Challenge and fucking smell the difference without bothering to distinguish the two tastes in my mouth. Mmmmmm, tastes. His lips taste so good, his moist skin tastes so good, everything about him is just delicious".

    Copyright © 2005 by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan.Source URL:
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