Monday, August 25, 2008

"Candy" reviews and video

    "For all its depiction of a descent into drug addiction, "Candy'' is filled with surprisingly sweet moments and goes down more easily than seems possible given the subject matter.

    As in "Leaving Las Vegas,'' there's a love story to divert you.
    Dan begins a passionate romance with a painter, Candy (Abbie Cornish, an Australian actress touted as the next Nicole Kidman as much for her talent as her luscious looks). They're kids at heart, a point emphasized in an exhilarating opening scene of the two whirling around and around on an amusement park ride. They look as if they never want to stop.Heath and Cornish bring eye-popping realism to their sex scenes.Eager to help with the family finances, Dan considers becoming a male hooker but decides he would be "hopeless with the gay stuff" -- a line that whether intentionally or not will get a laugh out of anyone who saw "Brokeback Mountain".

    Ledger is mesmerizing in a scene where Dan pulls off a white-collar crime by going to a bank with a stolen ID and charming a cashier into giving him more than $2,000. Hyped up, he keeps repeating to himself, "I'm rolling,'' like a mantra". Source:
    "Cornish, Kidman-esque in her elusive, look-but-don't-touch allure, may have the title role here, but Ledger, long-haired and so soft-looking you'd think he was shot slightly out of focus, is the movie's real eye candy. Armfield's colorful sets keep things on the implausibly cheery side of surreal until the requisite withdrawal scene, which uses nothing more than a room-sized mattress and a pathetically old TV set as props, the quivering junkies left to their own devices. Any drug movie's effectiveness can be measured by the strength of its detox, and Candy doesn't sweeten the cold turkey. Still, it's a downward spiral from there in more ways than one. Never mind the neo-psychedelic-pop soundtrack and occasional double-vision cinematography: Dope just can't account for the film's fried brain cells".

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